Thursday, July 22, 2010

Drover's Dog 2010 Election Tweeting League: Day 4

So the Heraldsun are running a tweet of the day thing and I think it was today they gave their gong to Therese Rein. She certainly can pack some pretty attractive language into her 140 characters.

I've given her 3 points today for this:
Should explain that "Aaarghhh!!!" is written-down semi-strangulated sound. Onomatapaeic. Useful shorthand for expressing frustration.
Read into it what you will.
And 1 point to the always angry, MayneReport for:
Richo signs with Seven for political punditry, that ends a 20 year connection with 9 and reflects Packer sale. No one should pay that bloke.
Ooohhh Sir!

KRuddMP       4
Therese_Rein  3
IanMartin        3
msstox             2
mariekehardy  2
ChasLicc         1
MayneReport  1

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