Sunday, July 25, 2010

Typing Commentary #2: The Debate

Gillard's opening statement and she's had a little laugh at moving forward and the worm is dippin. I can't believe it. 60 Minutes has two worms, a male and a female. This already makes me feel dumb. How are the other stations covering it? Oh, Channel 7 have three fucking worms! A female, a male and the white one is a ring worm. All Channel 7's worms run together when Abbott speaks. On 9, contrary to popular media relief, the female worm has a full on crush for Tony Abbott, especially when he says he wants schools run by parents or something or rather.

Obviously I'm not listening to a word anyone has to say because neither are saying anything.

Chris Uhlman asks if they have the courage to stand out from the mob. Julia talks up My School and some OH&S policy. Boring subjects but at least she's talking more about her term in office rather than a vapid future. Abbott in a deft move whacks in with his paid parental leave policy. Kills it.

Now Laura Tingle pulls Abbott up on how the Libs championed a rise in population policy during their term and killed it today by half. He stands by it and all 5 worms on both networks love him for it. Gillard points out her policies are exactly the same. Worms love her more for it, especially when she points out she stopped the flow of overseas students. Amazingly, in his feeble attempt of attack, throws Gillard a Dorothy Dixer asking about the connection between her policy and immigration. Worms thank him for it.

Laura Tingle points out that governments may need to avoid striving to surplus. Will she? In two minutes of this and that, she doesn't answer it.

Several minutes have gone by. I'm not enjoying this. I've looked at Twitter. Everything Bob Brown tweets gets retweeted hundreds of times. Maybe he should have been asked to attend. But then again Chas Licciardello is getting retweeted a lot too. Maybe he should have been invited too. But seriously, Bob Brown should have been invited to come on. It would have shook things up a bit. Oh, and it would be nice if someone actually answered a journalist's question.

Gillard is rubblish on an ETS and Abbott does alright again.

Laura Tingle asks about troops to Afghanistan. Abbott calls them heroes but doesn't answer the question. Same with Gillard. More troops? Less troops? Exit? No answers from both.

This debate is sucking the life out of me. Nothing I type is entertaining. It's a bumper to bumper low speed car accident, nobody gets hurt, but both cars get wrecked. 


Neither Gillard and Abbott.

The female worm was on top all night.

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